A proud new father was the high bidder when Robert offered to write and record a song as a premium for a nonprofit’s fund-raising effort. So when Robert asked him what he’d like the song to be about, the answer was predictable.
I’d like it to be for my daughter, the dad said. She prefers lullabies right now (or maybe her parents do, since it helps her go to sleep), but I expect she’ll get more active as she gets older.
Thus, a song was born. “A Dream of Whitney” seeks to show a father or mother rocking a baby to sleep, humming a melody. As often happens, mom or dad also nods off.
In the song, he/she begins to dream of the baby as she grows up. The dream theme gives way to a more vigorous tempo, which melds into a section in an asymmetrical 5/8 time signature – call it the teen years. At the end of this section, the tempo is marked as slowing down … as she … runs of … out steam. Mom/dad awakens and quietly hums “Brahm’s Lullaby.”
Let us know what you think. Or invite us to play a salon concert (or, for the more informal, a house concert) and we’ll share this and other original songs.